Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FedEx: The Quickie

a brilliant thought, ain't it?


Unknown said...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?

rainboy said...

loved it yar...mast tha yeh post bhai.

Anonymous said...

***************Please check this youtube channel out,in the midst of the chaos of our lives we forget the word humanity..this youtube channel promotes the word and with the Obama spirit in the air i was compelled to share this the youtube channel is 'QueenRania'..I stumbled upon it and wanted to share it with as many as possible please do the same if you feel the same way too...much appreciated, Neha

D Writer said...

is this your work...pretty cool

Double Seven said...

Oye Tichki this is amazing man... I didn't you were that much into creative advertising and stuff man.

Then you'd definitely like all my hatke ad-loaded emails man... :)

Take care.


Haritha P Singh said...

a gr8 gr8 post
loved it

How do we know said...

did i tell u this is among the most interesting places i have been to lately?

Razzer said...

Dude, after seeing the pics in a few other posts of urs. I cant help but ask..May I use them on mine as well??
I think they r aboslutely fuda fuda funnyyy..